Creating and Submitting a Sitemap to Google and Bing after Verifying your Website

Creating and submitting an XML sitemap to major search engines can improve your website’s SEO. The sitemap must be submitted to search engines manually.

What is an XML sitemap?

An XML sitemap is a text file that includes all the URLs for a website in the form of a list. The XML is a URL-inclusion protocol that aims to assist search engines to crawl better the world wide web.

An XML file includes additional information regarding each URL:

-How often this URL gets an update

-When it was last updated

-How important is that URL in comparison to the other URLs

These are the 3 Steps


STEP-1: Creating a sitemap

If your website is built on Joomla or WordPress software you can easily install a plug-in that creates automatically sitemaps. This generated sitemap will be either in the form of a downloadable XML file or in the form of a URL address.

Let’s examine the two cases separately:

(i) The XML sitemap is in the form of a URL address

No problem, you can go to STEP-2

(ii) The XML sitemap is in the form of an XML file

This XML file must be placed in your website’s server in order to create a URL address. Let’s assume you have created the file sitemap.xml and you use cPanel:

→ Go to your hosting account

→ Go to cPanel and next go to FileManager

→ Go to Public_HTML folder

→ Upload the XML file (sitemap.xml) there

Now, if you open a browser and type htpps:// you should see your sitemap

Developing specialized websites is the most common way to take advantage of affiliate marketing opportunities. Here are some basic steps for successful website monetization.Developing and Monetizing websites

Developing specialized websites is the most common way to take advantage of affiliate marketing opportunities. Here are some basic steps for successful website monetization.


(1) Define your Broader Area of Interest

Before you decide to join any affiliate program you must define the broader area of your expertise. Most developers define their area of interest according to external marketing factors such as CPA rewards or Revenu-Share, and that is a great mistake. It is absolutely important to focus on areas where you obtain either:

It is absolutely important to focus on areas where you obtain either:

(i) Professional experience, or

(ii) Wide user experience.

If you don't have either professional or user experience in a certain field, you will probably fail to sell. Don’t forget that the Internet is actually an informational network. If you don’t acquire the necessary informational background to serve a market niche, your failure is almost certain. Therefore you must focus on areas where you can really prove useful to your visitors. If that is the case, your visitors may become also your customers in the future.


These are the ten (10) best websites for funding a Project using CrowdFunding.



1. IndieGoGo

IndieGoGo is one of the top sites for funding a project. IndieGoGo offers the chance to keep all the funds you raise, even if your goals are not met. Here are the basic characteristics of IndieGoGo:

i) Keep 100% ownership of your campaign

ii) 4% fee on the funds you raise when you meet your goal and 9% fee if not

iii) Analytics for tracking contributions

iv) Customer support team and education

v) Fund any project

vi) Fund your project no matter where in the world you are located (except a few countries)

vii) Non-Profit Projects can also be funded at Indiegogo.

Fees: 4% fee on all projects meeting their goals and 9% fee on projects not meeting their goals

Allowed Projects: Funding available for all types of projects

How to Valuate Internet Domain Names & The Domains Valuation Secret

Domaining as a Business Industry has witnessed great growth rates during the past two decades. This growth has been reflected in both sales activity and the average price of domains sold. As the internet has literately entered every aspect of our life, domain names have become valuable assets like bonds, shares, real estate etc. Some domains have even been sold for millions of US dollars making their owners rich. As the potential for domain flipping is great nowadays, the crucial question for every domainer before buying or selling a domain name is “What is the real value of this Domain?” This is the main issue analyzed in this article.

Appraising Domain NamesHow to Define the Basic Framework for Appraise Domain Names

In order to define real value in a market, we must first identify the factors forming the aggregate demand and supply. Demand for premium and high premium domain names comes mainly from businesses that want to go online or from domain investors that buy domain names cheap to sell them to businesses at a higher price. Many factors define if a domain name is the best choice for naming a business, here are some really important factors:

1) Ability to focus on a Business Niche

2) Brandability (Short Length, Easy Spelling, and High Memorable)

3) Premium Domain extension (.com for international brands and a geographical domain name for local brands)

4) High Organic SEO Value (in other words, the ability to attract free visitors coming from Search Engines)

But there is also another crucial factor for defining the value of a domain, and that factor is scarcity. Scarcity limits the power of supply and that means that if demand suddenly increases, the domain name price can lift up in the sky.

5) The scarcity of supply